Human trafficking has moved into the public consciousness as a serious offense both domestically and internationally. Over the course of the next three episodes of Beyond Fear, we will cover trafficking from the perspective of researchers and a survivor.
Human trafficking, including sex trafficking, is a multi-billion-dollar industry that impacts an estimated 24.9 million people globally. In the U.S., human trafficking is defined as using force, fraud, or coercion, to compel a person into commercial sex acts or labor services against their will. In some instances, people are trafficked for the purpose of commercial sex and in others people are trafficked and forced to work under inhumane or illegal conditions.
In Understanding Trafficking Part I, we speak to Katie Gosch and Dr. Katherine Gomez – experts on domestic sex trafficking. Our conversation touched on several important topics including who is most at risk for victimization, the demographic profile of traffickers, ways to combat trafficking and more.
This episode is the beginning of our exploration of human trafficking. So, stay tuned next week for our discussion as we discuss human trafficking from a global perspective.
For additional reading, check out:
Human Trafficking Hotline
Sex Trafficking – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
What is Human Trafficking? – Department of Homeland Security
Polaris Project
Guest Bios:
Katherine C. Gomez, PhD (she/her) currently serves as the Director of Human Trafficking Intervention for the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (FDJJ). She holds a PhD in Public Affairs from the University of Central Florida. She has served Florida since 2006 as a juvenile probation officer, trainer, researcher, and senior administrator. She specializes in working with juvenile justice system-involved youth who have experienced human trafficking, youth charged with sexually-related offenses, youth who identify as part of the LGBTQI community, and high-profile multi-jurisdictional cases.
Ms. Gotch has worked in the field of sexual abuse prevention for over twenty years as a clinician, evaluator, trainer, educator, and in the development of evidence-informed public policy. She currently maintains a private practice, Integrated Clinical & Correctional Services, which provides specialized clinical and consultation services related to adults with sexual behavior problems and other forms of abusive/violent behavior. She is a Clinical Member & Public Policy Executive Board Member – ATSA, Former Board Member & Public Policy Advisor – Oregon ATSA, and Advisory Board Member & Former Public Policy & Engagement Action Team Co-Chair – NPEIV National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence. She frequently provides training to correctional agencies, treatment providers, policy makers, and other community partners on sexual offense specific management and treatment, static and dynamic risk, public policy, public engagement, and related topics.
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