This week, I talk to Dr. Megan Connell (Geeks Like Us), Amelia Herbst (Geeks Like Us), Peter Jung (Roll for Kindness), and Jamie Flecknoe (Roll Play Lead) about their experiences using video games and Dungeon & Dragons in their therapeutic, counseling, skills development, and leadership work with adolescents.
You can follow Dr. Connell on Twitter @MeganPsyD and on the web at MeganPsyD.com
You can follow Amelia on Twitter @wanderingshrink
You can hear both of their work on the Brain Noodles podcast & on Geeks Like Us at twitch.tv/g33kslikeus
You can follow Jamie on Twitter @Rosey_Games and on the web at rollplaylead.org
You can follow Peter on Twitter @RollForKindness and on the web at rollforkindness.com
As always, you can follow the show at @UntenuredTracks