Human trafficking is an incredibly complex issue that includes several different important topics we felt should be covered during our second season. Due to this complexity, we agreed to dedicate three episodes to cover it.
Welcome to Understanding Trafficking Part 2! During this episode, we speak with Dr. Casey Branchini Risko, an expert on international labor and sex trafficking. The interview with Dr. Branchini Risko gives further insight into the many ways that trafficking is associated with other crimes perpetrated against the most vulnerable people in societies across the globe. Importantly, Dr. Branchini Risko also emphasizes that there is often significant overlap between labor and sex trafficking. We also talked to Dr. Branchini Risko about more specific offenses, including sex tourism.
Stay tuned for Episode 5 next week when our discussion of trafficking comes full circle and we hear the story of a trafficking survivor.
Additional Resources and Organizations
Terres de homes
Heart Kenya
Free the slaves
Freedom Fund
Polaris Project (United states)
Winrock International
Kachin Women’s Association Thailand
Guest Bio
Casey Branchini Risko, PhD is a public health researcher with more than a decade of experience working in the anti-trafficking field – both on research and programming. Her work focuses on using rigorous methods to better understand how human trafficking impacts health, including how to accurately measure these issues and conduct monitoring and evaluation of interventions. She has spent much of her career traveling throughout Southeast Asia and other parts of the world to better understand risks and protective factors associated with trafficking and to find new and innovative ways to prevent and respond to the crime.
Dr. Branchini Risko received both her PhD and MHS in International Health from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. While at Hopkins, she also served as a co-investigator on studies estimating the prevalence of forced marriage and childbearing among Burmese women trafficked to China as well as on the health impact of human rights violations, including trafficking, among North Korean children.
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