This week, I talk with Dr. Eryn Nicole O’Neal (she/her/hers), assistant professor from the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Sam Houston State University about sexual assault case processing.
Her research has appeared in a variety of well-respected mainstream and specialty journals including Justice Quarterly, Violence Against Women, and Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Eryn was recently elected as an executive counselor for the American Society of Criminology Division on Women and Crime. Eryn has also published creative works in various literary magazines; her recent work appears in High Shelf, Glass Mountain Magazine, and DUM DUM. She was the 2019 recipient of the Lillie Robertson Prize for her work of creative nonfiction “Rape Cris-ish,” a satirical piece that highlights problematic societal and institutional responses to sexual violence.You can follow Dr. O’Neal on Twitter @erynnicoleoneal and the show at @UntenuredTracks
Her bookette, “Essential Oils to Destroy the Patriarchy: Remedies Formulated for Modern Women (& 1000-Year-Old Witches) was published in 2020 by Microcosm Publishing and is now available for purchase here: https://microcosmpublishing.com/catalog/zines/11450
We also have a youtube page now to house guest lectures for people to use during the move to online teaching. Search ‘untenured tracks‘ on YouTube for our channel.